Make Learning an Adventure with a Mail Order Mystery
What? Back to school already? Back to early mornings, endless lunches and transportation schedules that take more work to plan than a wedding? That may be so, but back to school does not have to mean back to the old grind. Get your kids excited about reading, learning and problem-solving before the homework battles set in.
Mail Order Mysteries are six week long adventures of the imagination that can spark all manner of learning and creativity. Solve clues, crack codes and learn all about geography, the history of medieval knights, life on board a pirate ship, sharks, the ins and outs of becoming a spy and so much more.
We all know how it works, don’t we? It’s easy to say, not always so easy to do: If you can get your kid excited about learning, the learning falls into place. If you can get your kid to fall in love with reading, they will stay in love forever.