
With a Bit of Adventure Comes a Lot More Joy

You know that old song, the one that goes “Summertime, and the living is easy. The fish are jumping, the cotton is high…” Well I’ve got that song stuck in my head, only it goes “Summertime, and the living’s not easy. The kids are jumping (on the couch, on the bed, on each other) and the laundry pile’s high….”

Oh, summertime. It should be easy. Only I must have said three times in the last three days “Go. Find. Something. To. Do.” And the kids look at me with these dazed expressions that are a mix of incomprehension and expectation. Like what Mom? Like what? And I say, how about the laundry?

Ha, ha. Mom is so funny.

So here’s the thing about Mail Order Mysteries. They give kids something to do. And not just for an hour or two, but for six whole weeks. Six weeks of secret messages, faraway castles, noble missions, hidden treasure, ciphers and clues…. Mail Order Mysteries aren’t just something to do, they are something to get excited about, to talk about, to think about, to dream about. And the best part? Unlike playing video games, Go Fish, or chase me around the house until we knock over the furniture, it might just be something you want to do too.

Summer’s not over yet. If you order now a Mail Order Mystery will take you into the first part of the school year. And if you would like it to be a summer holiday adventure it’s not too late. Just send us a note when you order your mystery and instead of sending an installment out once per week, we can pack all the installments up together and ship them in one box so you can hand them out at whatever pace you choose.

Summertime may never be easy, but with a bit of adventure comes a lot more joy.