
Potential labour disruption at Canada Post

Updated August 30, 2016

As you may know, Mail Order Mystery is based in Canada, and Canada Post (which operates Canada’s national mail system) is currently in labour negotiations with the Canadian Union of Postal Workers. Both Canada Post and the union are in a legal strike/lockout position. On August 25, the postal workers union issued a 72 hour strike notice and announced that they'd begin rotating job action consisting of a ban on overtime work. The start of that job action has twice been pushed back. And the union claims that it will have no impact on mail delivery at this time. Meanwhile negotiations with a mediator are continuing. The most recent news about the labour negotiations can be found on the Canada Post website.

If you live in the United States or outside of Canada we are now shipping all of our installments for non-Canadian customers from the US, directly with USPS. So there should be no interruption to the delivery of your mystery.

If you live in Canada, there is really no cost effective way to deliver letter mail other than through the postal system. So if there is a disruption to mail delivery, we will have to temporarily suspend shipping installments in Canada. If you are in the middle of receiving a mystery the simplest thing will be to wait. We are hopeful that if there is an interruption to mail service it will be short and we will be able to resume shipping as soon as possible.

We will continue to ship Canadian installments unless a labour disruption that results in the full closure of the postal system appears imminent.

If you are thinking of ordering a mystery and you're in Canada, please go ahead and order, but be aware the the delivery of your mystery may be delayed if there is an interruption in mail service. New US or international orders will not be affected.

So for now, we wait things out as negotiations continue, with fingers and toes crossed.
We thank you for your patience and your understanding. A huge thank you to everyone who has written with helpful suggestions and messages of support. 

If you have any questions please email us.