Shop at our Mystery Emporium and Keep the Mail Order Mystery Magic Alive
We here at Mail Order Mystery would like to say a huge thank you to those of you who chose Mail Order Mystery as a holiday gift this year. We know how difficult it can be to find the perfect gift for kids, and we are thrilled to hear from so many of you that Mail Order Mystery was not only an excellent gift, but the best gift ever. (It’s true! Check out some of our most recent reviews!)
If your kids aren’t quite ready to let go of their mystery experience, you can keep the magic alive with a memento from one of our mysteries. We have many fabulous items available at our online shop, the Mystery Emporium:
Spies Lies and Serious Bad Guys: Graduates of the SHOE Academy for junior spies can show off their secret agent cred in style with t-shirts, hoodies, notebooks, mugs, water bottles and even socks.
Treasure Hunt: Great job outsmarting the scurvy double crossers who tried to get their hands on your family treasure, yaar. All you need now is a memento of your Treasure Hunting adventure. A Stumpy Joe t-shirt, perhaps? A Mahe Police hoodie? A pirate clock?
The Enchanted Slumber: The fairy-tale themed Enchanted Slumber is our most beautiful mystery. The hard-covered book that comes in the final installment is full of gorgeous illustrations of castles, dragons, books, knights, trolls and hearts. We are so pleased to offer these designs on t-shirts as well as canvas prints you can hang up on your wall.
The Case of the Missing Bigfoot: If you were to ask us which Mail Order Mystery is our favourite, we would say, how can we choose? We love them all! If you were to ask us which Mail Order Mystery is the coolest, though, we would say The Case of the Missing Bigfoot for sure. Just check out all of this awesome stuff! It’s a parade of hoodies and tees featuring all of our favourite cryptids: bigfoot, yeti, mokele-mbembe and more! SO COOL!