Summer FAQ: Everything you need to know about ordering

We are just going to state as a matter of fact that Mail Order Mysteries are perfect summer activities. They are engaging, immersive, imaginative and kids can do them pretty much anywhere. If you’ve got questions about ordering a Mail Order Mystery this summer here are some answers.
Q. I love the idea of a Mail Order Mystery but we are away for part of the summer and we don’t want to miss out on letters. Can I still order?
A. Absolutely. We have two shipping methods to choose from, “Send Weekly” or “All in One Box”. If you order “All in One Box” we send all of the letters together in one package. If you are going on a trip you can take the box with you. Or we can send it to wherever you are going.
Q. I really like the idea of weekly letters. How does that work?
A. Weekly letters are great if you are going to be in one place all summer. We send one installment once a week for six weeks. The letters do all have to be sent to the same address, however, so if you are moving around, or if you don’t have enough weeks in your summer to complete a mystery, we recommend the “All in One Box” option. The letters inside look like real letters and you can hand them out at whatever pace you like.
Q. I want my kids to go outside this summer and not just sit around in their rooms. Are Mail Order Mysteries rainy day activities that have to be done indoors?
A. Mail Order Mysteries are ideal rainy day activities but kids can take them outside. All you need is some kind of flat surface for solving clues (like a picnic table or even a clipboard), a pencil and a box or bin to keep the clues in so they don’t blow away.
Q. I want to get kids off their screens. Is technology required to solve a Mail Order Mystery?
A. Mail Order Mysteries are screen-free experiences and no tech is necessary. There are a few small exceptions: In the pirate themed Treasure Hunt mystery there is a business card from a character with a phone number to call. In the espionage themed Spies Lies and Serious Bad Guys kids can either call a number for a clue or go to a rudimentary website and enter a code to get the same clue.
Q. We are going to be somewhere with no cell service or wi-fi. Can we still do a mystery?
A. Yes! Three of our five mysteries require no tech whatsoever: the fairy tale themed Enchanted Slumber, detective whodunnit Case of the Missing Bigfoot, and time travel caper Escape the Master Loop. These are all tech free and great if you are off the grid or in transit.
Q. These mysteries look ideal for giving kids something to do so parents can have a break, but are any of them good for the whole family to do together?
A. Over the years we have received all kinds of feedback from all kinds of adults saying that they loved working on their Mail Order Mystery as much as the kids. But we do have one mystery that we deliberately designed to work for a group. Escape the Master Loop has big colorful clues that can be spread out on a table for everyone to see. The puzzles are fun and challenging enough for adults.
Q. What is the best age for a Mail Order Mystery?
A. Mail Order Mysteries are for kids between 8 and 13 but some are better for younger kids and some for older kids. If you want to know more about ages you can read more here.
And of course if you have any more questions we are happy to help. Just send us a note at
Have a great summer!