
Take a Peek Behind the Master Loop

We love our new time travel mystery and we think you will too. Escape the Master Loop is fun, funny and full of the twists and turns that make time travel adventures such a mind-bending delight.  

As you may or may not know, Mail Order Mysteries are personalized. Each story unfolds through a series of letters, and the letters are addressed directly to kid(s). Say, for example, you are sending a mystery to a kid named Sam who lives in Cleveland. When you send Sam “Escape the Master Loop”, the letters Sam receives will be addressed to Sam from Sam, Sam’s future self. And Cleveland will look like this:

This poster of your city in the future is a wimmelbilder. Wimmelbilders, made popular by “Where’s Waldo”, are dense and intricate illustrations full of details to discover. This particular wimmelbilder was painted by Illustrator Extraordinaire Rajo Zakic, who has clearly outdone himself. One can spend hours - as we have - poring over this fantastic poster searching for the hidden symbols and clues that you must find to Escape the Maser Loop.  

We also want to tell you about the “Mona Lisas”. They came from an idea we had about what might happen if Leonardo da Vinci saw paintings from the future and how that might influence his own art.

Rajo took the idea and ran with it. The result is a series of strange and brilliant Mona Lisas painted in the style of famous artists from the last two hundred years. It is up to you to put the details together, figure out which artist influenced which Mona Lisa, what year they painted and how this will help you Escape the Master Loop. 

We don’t want to give too much away, of course, but we will say this: band-aid boxes, museum maps, paper airplanes, time capsules. Escape the Master Loop is an epic misadventure spanning 60 million years, and when it comes to fixing your time travel mistakes, there’s no time like the present.