Looking for a discount or promo code?

Sorry to deliver what may be disappointing news, but here at Mail Order Mystery we don't hand out discount codes like they're candy and we don't have huge blowout sales. We create personalized experiences for kids that take time to prepare. We don’t want to compromise our commitment to creating great experiences for kids in order to jump into the feeding frenzy of sales and discounts. 

You may see discount, coupon or promo codes on "deals" sites that claim they're for Mail Order Mystery. The codes rarely work. Because they're usually scams. Those sites are just trying to draw you into their listings based on your search, hoping you'll click on something else on their site that they earn affiliate revenue from.

We do occasionally send discount codes to subscribers of our email newsletter and SMS updates. And we'd love to have you on our list. It's a great way to keep up to date on what we're working on (and occasionally save a bit of money on a mystery). And we'll let you know if we're ever having a sale, most of which are exclusively for subscribers.

Or text MYSTERY to (844) 549-2170 to subscribe to our SMS updates